The Municipality of Val-des-Monts launched citizen consultations on its water bodies on July 19, 2022.
This consultation was conducted n several parts. VDM residents were provided an opportunity to respond to an Online Survey, a public consultation meeting was held and, following a request for input from members, the Association submitted the following document (MLA Issues paper for VDM Consultation on Water Bodies 2022 | Document d’analyse de l’ALM – Consulation de VDM sur les plans d’eau 2022) on key issues regarding the safety and environmental impacts.
A report summarizing the results of this consultation campaign was released in late Fall 2022. The report (available in French) provided broad recommendations and referenced and appended the Association’s submission. The Board has prepared a response to these recommendations as the report is intended to be used to guide elected officials in their decision-making regarding the use of water bodies and their protection. This response was sent to the municipality on February 24, 2023 and posted on their website.
Previous consultations:
The Municipality of Val-des-Monts held public consultations on the Water-Management Master Plan for the Blanche Ouest River watershed (WMMP) in summer 2017. Prior to the development of the WMMP, an extensive assessment of the lakes in the watershed had been done by the Federation of Lakes of Val-des-Monts. A summary of this assessment, as well as more detailed information on each lake is now available at this link. In 2018, the Board of the McGregor Lake Association reviewed the report and provided the following Statement:
The Association, on behalf of our membership, is pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to this Public Consultation on the Master Plan for Water (MPW) for the Blanche Ouest River Watershed;
The Association supports the scientific rigor and work conducted to support the characterization study report and appendices, and the additional work that was conducted over the past decade by parties such as the Federation of Lakes of Val-des-Monts, that brings us to this important consultation; and
The Association supports both the need for an MPW and concurs with the listing of Activities affecting the watershed as presented in the Public Consultation document. In providing comments to this consultation meeting, the Association will focus on two of the Activities affecting the watershed, namely the Residential and Resort sectors which in turn impact directly our other chief concern the Fauna, flora and wildlife habitats.
Residential sector
The Association recognizes the challenges inherent in rapid growth and development in Val-des-Monts and supports the Municipality in its development and planning efforts that are directed at managing these issues in a complex environment in order to ensure the protection and preservation of its water resource now and into the future.
Notwithstanding these efforts, concerns persist regarding the potential negative impacts of development beyond the waterfront where specific lake access is provided. There are examples of land development that demonstrate adverse and potentially disastrous negative impacts on the lake water quality, the littoral and wildlife. There are other more positive examples where lake access for non-motorized watercraft and opportunities for lake enjoyment are provided with minimal likely impact on water quality, the littoral or wildlife.
The Association maintains that this latter model (as exists in the Deauville development) should be adopted as the model for lake use and access by the Municipality.
With the adoption of such a model thereby respecting our common commitment to a healthy watershed, the next essential component is adequate Municipal funding for the monitoring and enforcement of these agreements, rules and regulations as well as prompt and firm action upon receipt of written (email or letter) complaints from citizens.
Resort sector
The Association values and respects the positive consultative experience and outcomes related to Parc Pélissier. Dangerous and excessive visiting boat-traffic has been reduced as a result of this initiative while providing reasonable access to non-lake residents. Nevertheless, the existence of private boat-launch ramps remains an unregulated and growing concern, particularly where monetary consideration in exchange for access is present.
Recognizing the Municipality’s stated commitment to a healthy watershed, the Municipality should review options for limiting possible commercial use of private boat ramps, should communicate with lake residents on the risks and legal issues of such use, and should ensure adequate Municipal funding for the monitoring and enforcement for both the Parc Pélissier boat ramp and private ramps.
In closing the Association wishes to thank the Municipality for the opportunity to participate in this meeting. A written submission will be filed on or before the June 28th deadline.
L’association du lac McGregor Lake Association
June 7, 2018